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Residing in Wholeness Helps All

Residing in Wholeness Helps All Teacher through Miriandra Rota

Greetings to you, beloved beings! How glorious that I can come forth and have another little chat with you, for you have been holding your heads above water, so to speak, for quite a while now. Yes, you have efforted to remain positive. You have sent forth your love and hope to the many who are suffering. You have, at times, wondered if the challenges will diminish and you can take a deep breath once again. I am not only speaking of this virus that has ravaged so many families; I am speaking of the difficulties that so many have faced — so any hardships.

I am not here to speak of all those hardships, but, my dears, it is necessary once in a while, or even more often, to recognize that there are many beings who are having a hard time of it. The reason I am speaking about this “hard time of it for the many” is to assist you to do what you can so that you feel and know that you are actually helping humanity. I want you to know that you are actually uplifting the frequencies of humanity so that all beings can awaken to the truth that we are (after all) one being, we are all united, and we actually flow through each other. Let’s get to this good news, shall we?
