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No Self, No Form, No Goal

No Self, No Form, No Goal One Life through Catherine Weser

What happens when the separation between the one who experiences something, the object of the experience, and the experience itself disappears? One Life Awareness, liberation, enlightenment, and awakening are just four of the many terms used to express the same thing: accepting the absolute reality of no self, no form, and no goal.

No Self

To have no self does not mean that you do not exist. To have no self means that nothing that is you is independent from All That Is, from One Life. When you look at what you call “you,” you see a version of a body-mind — an image you have cultivated over time. Yet what you are is the universe. You contain stardust, oceans, mountains, and skies within you. No self means that the self that you identify as you is just a momentary description of something that could never actually be you. There is no permanence in a self that you identify as you; there is no reliable independent substance that is you. Nothing exists separately. Everything is connected.
