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Guidance from the Animal Kingdom

Guidance from the Animal Kingdom Frédéric Calendini

Humans have long lived in communion with nature, coexisting with a multitude of species. Then, in their evolution, humans decided they were no longer part of the animal kingdom and that they were an exception to all the other species populating our planet. Animals, sometimes predators but also life companions and sources of inspiration, became creatures that could be used at will as simple objects deprived of souls. Thus, we isolated ourselves in our ivory towers, disconnecting at the same time from the teachings of these precious allies and ultimately from our own nature.

Following my shamanic training and working with Amazonian plants, I realized how much we deprive ourselves of an invaluable source of knowledge. Indeed, it is through intense visionary experiences — with the help of powerful medicines such as ayahuasca — that I have been able to reconnect with the wisdom of our plant and animal companions on this Earth.
