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All Is Forgiven

All Is Forgiven Supreme Creator Goddess through Luanne

Earth is a training ground for gods and goddesses. Creation is the lesson, and it comprises all lessons. In cause and effect, we learned that what we create we must also experience in all its glory or horror. Earth is the best learning and teaching center in the universe, and only the best and brightest students are allowed to attend.

Keep this in mind when you are puzzled by the acts, thoughts, words, and decisions of those around you; they are practicing different aspects of creation. You might judge their decisions as wrong or right, but your lesson is to learn how not to judge. Judging creates separation from God/Goddess. Judging is from the ego mind. Think this over: Every time you reserve your judgment and allow another creator god in training to have his or her creation, you move forward. Send this person love, and wish for all a great learning/teaching experience.
