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EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Free Us on the Journey

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Free Us on the Journey Maria Yracébûrû

From the diiyin: What you see are reflections. This is not a puzzle of where life will go. It is of the uncertainty and what we do not know yet. The puzzle is forming as to how we allow history to be.

June 1: da’okaahyú ha’ánázéh. Elder — impermanence (56). I become _____. We go into a circle to pray. All of us are responsible, and we commit to life in transformation and wisdom.

June 2: shi’okaahí nagont’I’. Beech — shaping (24). The Foundation of my life is based in _____. The prayer is ended! When we were young, we dreamed of being magical, flying through spirit-time, and stopping momentarily on our path.
