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“What Should I Ask?”

“What Should I Ask?” Kryon through Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. In these days, some seeds have been planted in each of you. The seeds are good ones, and like any other seeds on this planet that are buried in the dirt, the farmer has the option to care for them — water them and let them grow — or not. This is your free choice. Some seeds have been planted in those of you who would never come to a Kryon channeling. Some seeds have gone to those of you who are curious and want to know a little more about esoteric things. Many seeds have been planted in the most esoteric of you, and those seeds are for the growth of your perceptions.

All of you are known to God, Spirit, the Creative Source. You are not known by your name or face but by the attributes of your unique soul, something you have that is acknowledged by almost all humanity. Humans intuitively recognize the soul as something that is eternal. Every belief system on the planet talks about where the soul goes after death. It is part of you; it is above you. Even if you don’t believe it, traditions of eons of maritime sea-goers talk about souls onboard. The soul’s existence is assumed. It is innate. It is something that all humanity, at some level, recognizes as real. And the Human who is connected to the soul is also well known to us. We know why you might be here, what you think, and what you need.

“Free choice” is the phrase that we use now. It means that nothing happens, no seed grows, unless you ask it to. Nothing spiritual happens for you unless you are willing to look beyond what you’ve been taught and, perhaps, say to yourself: “I doubt this is true, but I want to know more.” If that’s you, you’d be just like my partner who now sits in the chair.
