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Shamanic Wisdom: Healing the World Begins with Healing Yourself

Shamanic Wisdom: Healing the World Begins with Healing Yourself Jan Engels-Smith

Years ago, the spirits told me that every person born has the capacity to heal the world singlehandedly. That means that we have remarkable powers. The important lesson for each of us is to understand how to recognize and employ the influences that we can bring about to change our world and ourselves. I would like to share some things about myself so that you can understand how I approach life and how my experiences have convinced me that we can all have an amazing influence in the universe.

I started my career as a biology and chemistry teacher. I taught science in high school for ten years. I acquired an advanced degree in psychology, worked as a counselor, and eventually opened a private counseling practice.

I then had a mystical experience that turned my life upside down and inside out. I have spent the past twenty-five years exploring what this experience means for all of us. An old Native American woman appeared to me in a vision. As she approached me, I asked who she was. She replied: “I am you. I am your mother. I am your sister. I am your grandmother. I am the Earth.”
