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Experiencing the Cosmic Triplefold Heart

Experiencing the Cosmic Triplefold Heart Wisdom Teacher through Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa

Hello, beloved angels of great and glorious light. We say welcome to you: Bienvenido. Hello and welcome. In the glorious energy of the divine moment that is at hand now, your heart has expanded. We wish to offer you a word that explains this expansion: "triplefold." Yet as we offer this word to you, we invite you to ignite within your own centered wisdom the golden energy that recognizes that "triplefold" is a vastly expanded expression of your heart. It is not a limited expression, for indeed your heart is limitless. Indeed, your energy is limitless.

We offer to you the recognition of the triplefold ignition of the heart. We also gift you with the recognition of your expansion. This includes the crystalline light and illuminated experience that is at hand for you right now.

Limitlessness and Your Expanded Heart

Within the great cosmic center of the divine universal heartbeat is a celebration, a recognition, a joy-filled moment that is at hand and simultaneously has all-ways been. Within this joy-filled moment, within this celebration, is the connection that is ever present when you are able to center yourself within the — and we wish to offer you another word — "triplified" expansion of the central heart energy.
