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The Sacred Energy of Trees

The Sacred Energy of Trees Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

Greetings, dear ones. I am Metatron, lord of light. We welcome and acknowledge each of you reading these words in the now moment of your connection to the energetic vibration coded within this message. It is an auspicious gathering! An entourage of spirit joins us, and we assure you that we acknowledge each reader with a keen awareness that gives us great joy! We assure you that as meaningful as these gatherings are to you, they are equally significant to us of the angelic realm. These moments of sharing are offered not only to provide selective messages of stimulating information but also to provide light-coded energy, unspoken nurturing energy, that is taken in through your hearts and given from ours. Such energies are afforded to you — the present you and the becoming you.

Take a moment to close your eyes and mentally visualize the green ray bathing your essence. We are joined now by the energy collective of the plant kingdom; indeed, they are harbingers of the green ray — of healing and love.

Masters, we have spoken about the myriad benefits of energies projected through the mineral kingdom. Indeed, crystals and minerals are of invaluable assistance to both humanity and Earth. Here, we will discuss the benevolence of the plant kingdom with emphasis on the energy of trees.
