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Leading from Higher Consciousness

Leading from Higher Consciousness The Sage Council through Jonni Gray & Cheryl Rose

We wish to talk of conscious connection. The word "consciousness" is getting more exposure within all realms of the planet. It is not being reserved for those who offer spiritual teachings. Many organizations and organizational leaders are recognizing that, in the evolution of organizational responsibility, we have moved from concerns of the environment — which was an evolution away from concerns for profit — and are now moving to concerns about consciousness.

Organizations Are the Key to the Evolution of Consciousness

Leaders realize if there is not consciousness among all those who participate in the organization, then what we have is mindlessness. Organizations that foster mindlessness have employees who are not participating in the possibilities of the changes that could have an impact on the planet. Leaders who lead from higher consciousness understand this. They invest time in sharing love through the auspices of higher consciousness.

When leaders operate from higher consciousness, they are less attached to ego and identity. They are more committed to growth and sharing. And they are eager to help the people on their team to evolve.
