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What Is Resurrection?

What Is Resurrection? Almine

When life fell into duality, it happened in three stages.

Stage One: The Confinement of Space

The infinite ocean of existence expresses at all times, but when its expression becomes very specific in a certain part of its boundlessness, a space forms. This space, like a current in the ocean, behaves differently than the rest. The Infinite decided to create a very specific expression that it could study in the way the ocean observes a current within itself. This brought about several anomalies that had not existed before

  • The concept of space, which in turn yielded the idea of boundaries
  • Maintaining the illusion of separation required focused attention. This created areas of existence that were unexpressed because of the attention directed elsewhere. This self-abandonment created addiction and obsessive focus on that which took its place — the root of all addiction.
  • The concept of permanence arose: The illusion that something we love can stay the same and be kept by holding on to it.
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