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The Recalibration of the Universe

The Recalibration of the Universe Kryon through Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There is so much I want to tell you, but again, we start softly. We honor the energy in the room. We create a bubble of wisdom around ourselves, so those who wish to hear will do so. We speak to many, not just those in the room. I want you to honor this moment, for it’s for you. This is not idle information. This information has a profound Human stamp on it. It means that whatever I’m telling you, you have created. I’m aware that this message is being given in two languages [Channel’s note: Spanish and English]. The information is complex yet simple. So we need you to listen to understand concepts prepared in advance for you by those on this side of the veil who know who you are.

There is a shift going on in this planet. If you are indeed an old soul, it is affecting you, and each of you is affected in a different way. That is to say, each one of you will have a different way of responding to the energy. Old souls have something very interesting. They may be old souls, but that means that each of them has a vastly different experience of lives. So each of you is going to react separately and uniquely to the energy of the planet’s shift. However, all of you are feeling something interesting. It’s an enhancement of your wisdom and knowledge, and it’s the feeling that the energy on the planet is moving in a direction that is toward your consciousness and not away from it.

This is the fourth channel in a series called The Recalibration of Humanity. We’ve talked about how Humans are recalibrating, how Gaia is recalibrating, and even how your DNA is recalibrating. Now there’s one that you didn’t expect — how the universe is recalibrating. It’s a difficult premise that I bring forward to you today, for it has concepts outside of three dimensions. And so I will go slow.
