The Om Crystal of Mount Shasta and 2012 Completion
The Om Crystal of Mount Shasta and 2012 Completion Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn
Greetings beloved! I am Metatron, lord of light. And so again we speak of Shasta. Indeed its importance is paramount to the expansion of the crystalline field.
The Most Potent Solstice in Eons Is Coming This Summer
Masters, the solstice of June 2012 will be an incredible gateway, and this mega-solstice may be termed the “completion of Om.” For at this time the Council of Crystalline Light, the ascended masters, will gather at the multidimensional etheric portal of Mount Shasta and cluster in enclave around the heralded master Atlantean crystal of Om located beneath the masiff of Mount Shasta. The beloved Sainte Germaine, along with the Council of Crystalline Light and the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, will host the opening of an extraordinary portal during the solstice phase.
The Crystalline Council will gather within Shasta on June 19 and generate a wave of joy and celebration through June 25. Sainte Germaine and the heralded Crystalline Council will generate and facilitate a wave of the unconditional love frequency of Om that will be transmitted to all powernodes on the planet via the Om crystal of multidimensionality. The Om completion will occur during the five days of the solstice — June 19 through June 25. This energy is a sacred and potent beacon of energized hope and encouragement for humanity and for the Earth.
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