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Restore the Fabric of Reality

Restore the Fabric of Reality The One through Judith K. Moore

The weaving of light and dark forms the fabric of creation, creating patterns in infinite fractals of light and dark. The light enhances the dark and the dark enhances the light. The law of the universe, which is compassion and cocreation with the harmonics of one, has been violated, tearing the fabric of creation and fragmenting reality. This violation created discordant, repetitive energy patterns, fracturing the weaving and the cohesion of existence. This is a discordant force that has a consciousness separate from Source Oneness.

Purification clears, cleanses, and heals fragmented reality. It opens a space of potential for the weaving of light and dark to form a cohesive reality from the harmonious vibrations that resonate from Source Oneness. This is an essential understanding of the workings of creation’s mechanisms and how creation itself balances and harmonizes that which is out of balance and incongruent with the weaving and the cohesion of light and dark that is the fabric of reality.
