As Nature Is Imbalanced Without, So It Is Within
As Nature Is Imbalanced Without, So It Is Within Ataoris through Gilly Wilmot
Greetings. We consciously choose a moment to begin. The moment of conscious choice is very important at this time: considered, careful, well-informed choices — not something casual but something decisive in the chooser. In the middle of this volatile time, a time of chaos, choice is all-important from every walk of life in every nation across every part of the globe. Conscious choice — you might ask, “Choice for what, for whom?”
Collective choice at this time is desirable to move the intention of living on this planet to a more educated place — the conscious collective choice to move to a way of life that benefits all, not just human life but all life on this planet. This is always the desirable outcome, but as it is, that is not in evidence, except perhaps in glimmers where groups of people are making the conscious choice to connect with the planet and all life forms in a very deep and harmonious way. They are conscious in the sense that they realize all is connected. However, this realization can be hard won, particularly now when there is so much confusion and misinformation.