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The Molecular Transformation of the Human Brain

The Molecular Transformation of the Human Brain Juliano and the Arcturians through David K. Miller

Greetings, this is Juliano, and we are the Arcturians. One of the characteristics that aided in the survival of the Homo sapiens was their ability to be aggressive. In some instances, this aggression resulted in the genocide of their perceived enemies. Some of you might wonder whether such a trait should be part of the human evolutionary species, those we’ve named the Homo omega. We do not favor a trait that leads to death and destruction. We promote and support more advanced behavior.

Expanded Consciousness

In Arcturian teachings, we use the term “omega light.” Omega light comes from the fifth dimension, and it has some special characteristics. When you use omega light personally, it helps you to bring out your highest potential. It also has special healing powers. When a blockage causes illness, omega light can encourage the highest healing potential within your system
