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The Hologram Shifts and Changes

The Hologram Shifts and Changes Inspired Guidance through Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Gillian: Feeling our way around is not easy, as one unrest is laid to bed and another comes to call before we can take the next breath. Everything comes to circumnavigate our souls and lives. This part of the journey is the hardest. We are awakening to a “living fact” that did not seem to exist in our world before. Incorporating these new truths is a great feat. As we slide through time, more glitches in the matrix will show themselves, exposing naked truths that need to be addressed.

Each dimension is like a chapter in a very long book. A chapter has many pages that must be experienced before we can enter the next dimensional chapter. Belief systems in all forms, flavors, and energies are electrically charged and thus become magnetic particles within the same spin. Like a magnet that seeks itself, the holographic expression of these belief systems is found within the mansions of light
