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At Transition’s Door, Part 1

At Transition’s Door, Part 1 Isaiah and Ezekiel through Kathryn Rawlings & Terry Spears

We all are in labor now as a prequel of our birth into ascension living. Our spiritual team is here to comfort, assure, and embrace us and to bolster our inner knowing and peace. When we feel their love, we open to love’s radiance. As our hearts expand in this love, we enter a new degree of union within and outside ourselves (we are in the birth canal), expanding in love, oneness, ease, and joy, fully expecting each pristine moment as we repeatedly convert into blissful wholeness.

As we phase in and out of this blissful feeling, our choice leans toward repeating this gift, and we gradually cooperate with our emergence, a conscious birth into union — a blessed new way of being fully connected in love with creation and with our pristine inner wisdom. We do this with extensive guidance as we grow, expand, discard, persevere, and come to understand, accept, and participate in our roles in the emergence into wholeness. We — all of us — were given the life force energy of ascension within our human bodies, and we are finally learning to constructively apply the guiding principles so lavishly shared in our lessons to awaken and more fully use our ascension life force. We are all at transition’s door now. We are sharing these lessons as humanity prepares for transition, and we hope these lessons will be meaningful to many. Following are details of this amazing guidance. Bon voyage!
