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EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Let the Past Fall Away

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Let the Past Fall Away Maria Yracébûrû

Diiyin’s note: Yes, Mother, shima yawe (Aunty Turtle), we have come. We strengthen and blink in the light of love. Our mother, Earth, sits within us. Crystal-blue waters curl around, intertwining with our emotions from the heart fire that warms us. Creator lets the past fall behind us and moves quietly around our Mother, beginning and preparing us.
July Prayers

Beckoned by the patterns of Star Clans, shida’a aayani (Uncle Buffalo), we take risks and trust the universe to bring the opportunities to shine our lights. We are ready.

Nohwizá’yé k’edileehí nakia: Ancestors of those who plant (Rainbow Serpent), intuition is known by experience. We do not repress it. We develop it. Sensation is a way of knowing. We know what we know. It takes time to grow.
