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Akashic Answers: Meditate to Connect with Your Starseed Origin

Akashic Answers: Meditate to Connect with Your Starseed Origin Amanda Romania

Can you offer some insight on how I can find my cosmic family in my akashic records? I have been having dreams in which I feel I am going back to my star race in an out-of-body experience, but when I wake, I cannot remember.

— Daniel, CA

From Amanda: I find connecting to my starseed origins to be an amazing experience. I have often been called the starseed whisperer, as one of my most rewarding tasks is to help others retrace their origins.

Your records show a very strong connection to the Sirius star, and your whole life will often revolve around seeking and speaking the truth with integrity. Trust yourself, and find a time to meditate. Keep a journal and pen nearby. Light a candle, and meditate by focusing on gratitude and your heart chakra.
