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Tools to Support Consciousness during Times of Change

Tools to Support Consciousness during Times of Change Archangel Metatron through Rae Chandran

Blessings and love to all. At this powerful time on Earth, there is much fear among the multitudes about what is happening. The news is filled with dread and fear. There are beings on the planet who do not want the light to proliferate and spread, and they are using all the tools at their disposal to send the energies of fear and chaos to the masses.

When you are in a confused state and living in fear, you easily pick up the negative energy being beamed. This energy is picked up by the five senses, and it is sent into the spinal column and deposited there. From there, it becomes mixed with the fluids in the spinal column, transported to the pineal gland via the medulla oblongata, and then it goes into the structure of the brain, creating patterns of thought and behavior consistent with survival and fear consciousness. This in turn affects the pineal gland.

Breathing Techniques to Reduce Fear

The pineal gland is of great importance. It rules all layers of the mind, and your reality is created from the base energies contained in the pineal gland. Breathing in and exhaling through both nostrils can be very helpful in keeping the pineal gland clean and growing. You can also breathe in the colors pink and soft blue through both the nostrils and then take them to the center of your brain. Be with these colors for six to nine seconds, and then release them through the base of your neck at the medulla oblongata. This will prevent the formation of minerals in the pineal gland, which is one of the main causes for Alzheimer’s disease.
