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Medical Intuitive: Divine Support is Available

Medical Intuitive: Divine Support is Available Stacey Mayo

The information herein is for educational purposes only. The content of this article should not be used to give medical advice or to prescribe any form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician. Should you use any recommendations in this article for yourself or others, the channel, compilers, and publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

Note: These are mini readings and are not intended to be all-inclusive.

Hi Stacey,

I have a tear in my left rotator cuff and would like to avoid surgery. Do you have suggestions as to what caused it and what to do?

— Jenny

Hi Jenny: The tiny tear in your left rotator cuff represents a deep conflict in your genes about your belief that you are God and also not God. I also see twelve attachments to ancestral issues regarding what is more important: love of family, love of God, or love of self. You seem to rotate between these three. You’re nervous you will choose the wrong one. As a result, your neurotransmitters are constricted.
