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EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Send Your Prayers to the Four Directions

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Send Your Prayers to the Four Directions Maria Yracébûrû

diiyin’s thoughts: From what has been said, it is clear that my prayer’s energy is allotted to love. This love is unequivocally the essence of the evolution.

July 2016 Prayers

chi’il dénzhónéhí náda’ch’ilsiihí okaahí: Beautiful flowers are offered in prayer. Our bodies are vessels of the sacred, infused with life force from the sacred parents and star nations. We receive higher frequencies as we adjust our sustenance manifestation.

nitisgo náda’ch’ilsiihí: The offering is important. Guidance is profound and confirms our intuition. Free will in responsible cocreation prevails. We honor choices in all who make them.

ch’ída’izkaadgo náda’ch’ilsiihí: The offering is abundant. We sit comfortably and share our energy with Changing Mother Earth. We create a circle of reciprocal nourishment. We experience this sensation as overwhelming love as amazing things happen to our bodies and minds.
