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Dream Zone: Perserve to Accomplish Goals

Dream Zone: Perserve to Accomplish Goals Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

Dear Lauri,

In my dream, I’m running around in a field. Seeing that there are goals at opposite ends, I realize I am on a soccer field, and people are running around practicing. I look down to notice I am naked except for underwear. I cross my arms in front of me to cover my chest. I can’t play (being mostly naked), so I run home to get some clothes.

There’s a huge sand hill blocking my path that I have to climb to get home. As soon as I get to the top, the sand gives in, burying me alive. I can hear people trying to dig me out, but the more they try, the deeper I go. I wake up gasping for air.

— Anonymous

Lauri: The two goals you notice are likely two waking-life goals you wish to achieve but feel unprepared or unequipped to tackle because something is causing you to feel vulnerable, embarrassed, or exposed. Is there something you are afraid to open up about and “get off your chest”? Or are you trying to protect your feelings?
