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Technology and Consciousness Converge in the Mesh Networking Evolution

Technology and Consciousness Converge in the Mesh Networking Evolution Stuart Trusty

Once upon a time, you thought that you were your ego and your mind, body, and feelings — your sense of self — was the sum total of your existence. As you continued to realize that all of us, everything, somehow share a kind of mystical unity, it became easier to identify with how others feel, and you got a sense of our global community and how we are all connected in a way that we can't completely identify or articulate. A common theme these days is the end of duality — a new worldview where what is right, wrong, true, untrue, good, bad, or otherwise are not fixed vantage points but vary according to perspective and context.

While these concepts have existed from time immemorial, their codification into practical consumer technology has only been anticipated since 1972, when the model of a tripartite existence was popularly introduced in Dr. J.J. Hurtak's The Book of Knowledge: Keys of Enoch. Dr. Hurtak's volume is a compilation of technological and spiritual dialogues as narrated from the vantage point of the biblical Enoch from the book of Genesis. It has been considered a modern codex and roadmap for future technology. Also in 1972, Dennis Ritchie reprogrammed the UNIX operating system in the language known as "c," the basis for the modern Linux operating system. This article is intended to offer insight into the breaking fusion of these two collective movements as an applied digital technology called mesh networking.

Mesh networking extends the field of digital networking — a digital working transcription of language that controls the movement of light — into a new modality based on the realization that we are not a single identity but a conglomerate of three interconnected components. We are indeed who we normally think we are, but we are also composed of the group of categories by which we identify others and ourselves, and at the same time we are integrally part of All That Is. The conclusion of these implications is that our digital technology, as it advances into a future state that we can only begin to wrap our heads around, is not representative of new ideas being invented; it is the fabric of the universe being rediscovered.
