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New Times, New Priorities: Connecting with your Divine Changemaker Role

New Times, New Priorities: Connecting with your Divine Changemaker Role Council of 12 through Selacia

There comes a time in the evolution of a planet when a new way of being must be found and lived. You live in that time. What will you do with your energy today to help create a more loving world? Ask this question daily. Consider where you will place your focus. Remember — you can choose.

As the pace of life picks up, you cannot afford to be complacent or retreat into old dysfunctional habits. When you question your ability to keep up or to make the best choices, remember that you are a divine changemaker. You are encoded at a DNA level to remember and live in a brand-new way.

Living now takes on a whole new meaning as you awaken to your divine changemaker role. Your priorities shift to include a wider view of reality and to allow for a more rapid spiritual progression. Changed priorities mean new action steps and different responses to ordinary tasks. Only heart-centered approaches will get you where you want to go. To have the most potency, your path must be in alignment with your soul.
