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Bridging the Emptiness: Disengaging the Ego from its 3D Connections

Bridging the Emptiness: Disengaging the Ego from its 3D Connections The Pleiadian Light through Hannah Beaconsfield

Transformation — the winds of change that are blowing through your world consciousness are creating new patterns of reality. Part of pattern creation is pattern destruction. This is the breaking down of old forms to make way for new ones. Many aspects of the old reality are used to create the new patterns of the transformed planetary unit. Old patterns are incorporated into the new.

Applying these general circumstances to the individual human struggling with the ascension of the species, this reads as a tearing down of all ego-centered aspects of the personality, the identity, and the integrated unit of body, mind, and spirit that is the total self. If this were accomplished all at once it would be too much to handle. It is, however, being brought about by incremental steps of tearing down and building up simultaneously. But there are points at which the individual may become so dismantled as to feel vacant or even hit a bottom where hope is obliterated.

Why should hitting bottom be necessary? And hitting repeated bottoms in the process of ascending? Is it really necessary to assassinate Pollyanna? The ever-hopeful Pollyanna is a 3D compensatory construct and a portion of the ego. The ego must be broken down and reformed into a mosaic that represents the new self. The ego, in 3D, exists in an environment of past experiences, future hopes, and a present colored by judgments. The ego helps to maintain the integrity of the total self, but in order to bring in aspects of 4D/5D realities, the ego must be disengaged to reset the programming.
