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Engage with the Harmonics of Creation

Engage with the Harmonics of Creation Master Kuthumi through Judith K. Moore

The acoustic harmonics resonating through the material structure of the planet resonates with an octave called the Om factor. There must be one harmonic tone that infuses and resonates throughout energy systems. It creates a synthesis of the flow of divine harmonics that manifests as divine octaves for the universe to stay in balance. Sound is a force of Creation. Sound and light form the holographic field of all systems within creation. Earth herself generates harmonic frequency — a tone called the Gaia tone — into the flow of harmonic resonance that creates cohesion of particles and matter and the molecular synthesis of the universe.

Within the solar system (that you know of ) there is a divine harmonic. Each planet has a unique harmonic overtone that resonates as a divine octave of the solar system. The synchronization of the flow of universal forces are orchestrated by the Om factor. The Om factor creates a harmony of the spheres that is an uninterrupted flow of harmonic synthesis that supports and sustains the order and the essence of universal power.
