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Ask the Angels: The Sound of Your Souls Is Heard through the Universe

Ask the Angels: The Sound of Your Souls Is Heard through the Universe the Angels through Cheryl Gaer Barlow

Your books talk so much about the power of thought. Can we really help others by just thinking about them? Seriously? We can think thousands of useless thoughts, but isn’t it more important what we say in words?

— Charlie S., Pueblo, CO

From the angels: Give care to both your words and your thoughts, as they are true creations. They are not meaningless. Send blessings to each person you see with your thoughts. Give words as gifts to the world.

Love is full when the heart is full of gratitude. With this love, you can ease the people’s sorrow so that they know joy. When you feel this inside, you can send it to anyone. Send it to someone who is sorrowful. You will think of that person and give that person love through your thoughts.
