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The Evolving Divine Now

The Evolving Divine Now The Collective Soul through Carolyn Gervais

Let us begin by saying that it is necessary for humanity to know that the higher energy vibrations are evolving humankind and transforming each person to the degree and level for which he or she is ready. As this activity progresses, it will continue to create transformations that will alter how the present and future present reveal themselves to humanity in the coming days and years.
You see, it is time that all humanity understands the difference between what divides hearts and minds and what promotes the peace and love that life has to give to everyone opening to the higher self. Once a person understands the difference between what heals and what destroys, he or she can’t help but to transform into a more peaceful and compassionate human who will want to heal his or her heart first and then the hearts of others. When people transforms in this way, they begin to trust their inner promptings as to what they want their inner and outer worlds to be like. War and hatred in any form are like cancers that gradually destroy peoples’ bodies, minds, and lives while diminishing the energy of Gaia.
You are the ultimate master of your destiny through your beliefs, choices, and actions. With practice, you will begin to trust your intuition and inner feelings. When you do, you will activate an inner knowing that you are an integral part of what you call the future of Earth and the outcome of the human race.
