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The Vital Energy of Ascension: the Four Knowns

The Vital Energy of Ascension: the Four Knowns Archangel Zadkiel through Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa

We are indeed delighted to be here with you today, as you are now at the time of much energetic movement. Many of you have experienced this energetic movement in so many different ways. When we move energy, when we exist in the multidimensional realms, when we come in from the strata of many different universes, when we offer ourselves the opportunity to cocreate with the oneness, and when we offer ourselves the gift of divine kinship, indeed energy will move. It is always moving, and you know this.

The White Blackboard and Original Source Energy

Visualize now a white blackboard. As you picture a white blackboard, think about picking up your white chalk and whether you will see the message if you write on it. Of course not, and it is illuminating for you to remember that this is why you must have the dark blackboard. This is why you have the light as you have the dark.

How can we offer you a message from the divine if it is never seen? How can we offer you an opportunity to know the gift of who you are if all that is around you is unable to be seen?
