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The Simple, Startling Story of the Shift

The Simple, Startling Story of the Shift Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Beings of Light through Jim Self

Let me tell you a story about the shift that is upon us. It is a story of science, astrology, astronomy, magnetism, and gamma radiation—and just by saying that; I may have already lost three-quarters of you. But I urge you to read on, because this story is vital to your well being at this moment. In fact, what this story describes is the most important consideration of your life right now— and of your lifetime. It affects everything about you, the planet, and everyone around you.

But before we begin the story, I am going to ask you to change how you hear information and allow it to come to you. This is actually a skill set. First, would you make a decision to be curious? Next, would you make a decision to be interested? Even though you don't know where this story is going, and it may not be to a place that many of you naturally go, maybe, just maybe, could you be interested and curious?
