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Secret International Cabal Runs Fake ET Invasion in a Sky Full of Real ET Craft

Secret International Cabal Runs Fake ET Invasion in a Sky Full of Real ET Craft Grandfather and Zoosh through Robert Shapiro

All right. Grandfather.


Thank you. I have been predicting that the skies will be full of various flights of UFOs and now it is happening all over the Earth. Because it is global, it's getting more press in various places. Some places are insistently repeating the old "UFOs are not real; that was a weather balloon'' story as if it were some kind of joke, but the joke is wearing thin since so many people are seeing so many actual craft and so many lights in the sky. Permission has been given for beings to come to Earth now in ships from many other places beyond Earth, and it is happening before you might have expected it to happen. As you know, there was a general rule until just recently for UFOs to not show up, to not be seen if the appearance of vehicles and of beings from other planets would frighten or cause disruption to the society of Earth. However, permission has been given for not only the vehicles but the people inside the vehicles to be seen, although only for a short window of time— short by comparison. The people inside the vehicles will be seen, most likely not walking around on the ground, except in very remote areas, but more likely seen through windows or portals in the vehicles, as they are moving around.
