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Traditional Insights into Yoga: Matsyasana, Fish Pose

Traditional Insights into Yoga: Matsyasana, Fish Pose Mally Paquette

Matsya was an incarnation of Vishnu, the Hindu deity that was given the responsibility to preserve the universe. He chose to turn himself into a fish, named Matsya, and was able to balance the earth and the waters on the planet.

This relaxing pose restores our physical and energetic balance by opening our heart chakra to the cosmos. The healing benefits are immense; thus, the fish pose is often referred to as the Destroyer of all Disease. Any respiratory issues are supported by opening the throat and relaxing the shoulders, which, because they are drawn back, provide additional oxygen into the lungs.

The fish pose relieves fatigue almost instantaneously, leading the body back into balance. The heart is the center chakra of integration: the three lower spirals of illusion merge with the energies of the upper three, connecting us to greater wisdom.
