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Signs from the Angels

Signs from the Angels Corin Grillo

People are often impatient when they begin consciously working with angels, because they want big, juicy, explosive first encounters. If you are waiting for Archangel Michael to make a 3D appearance in your room, giant wings ablaze and angel choirs singing in the background, you may be waiting a while.

I am a huge fan of big and juicy angel encounters, but from the years of doing this work for myself and others, I know that angels don’t always come through this way. Patience is required when working with angels, and so is managing your expectations. Those are two big keys in allowing angel messages to come through. It’s one thing to pray to or invoke the angels, but it’s a completely different thing to actually be aware of the answers they bring.

Before I teach you the different ways that angels communicate, I want you to delete a thought from your consciousness, because it absolutely blocks you from the reality of angels and miracles: “That was just a coincidence.”
