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View Life with Detachment

View Life with Detachment Archangel Michael through Ronna

Beloved masters, each advanced level of evolution and ascension contains higher truths along with new challenges and opportunities to attain self-mastery. Self-discipline, heightened awareness, and determination are required. However, the more you bring your ego-desire body under control and allow your higher self to guide you, the easier the process will become.

As you expand your awareness and view life from a higher vantage point, your perspective changes. You no longer focus on the negative aspects or what is wrong in your life as you develop a positive outlook and focus on the good in others. You learn to appreciate the beauty of nature and what is right with the world. Gradually you develop a sense of wonder and thanksgiving for the many miracles that manifest for you and those around you.

One of the most difficult things to accomplish is to let go of outmoded, preconceived thought patterns and habits. Ingrained habits, traditional rules and standards, and social, racial, and religious influences of the past are only some of the shackles you must release as you strive to become an en-lighten-ed, free spirit within a newly emerging reality.
