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EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: You Are the Choice of Your Being

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: You Are the Choice of Your Being Maria Yracébûrû

You Are the Choice of Your Being

Note from diiyin: It is important to be with our families and for our children to learn their connection to the earth. We continue a tradition. Connection to the earth is less frequent for people these days. The drought of spirit has come, and there is more attention about how to control the planet. But now it’s becoming easier to reconnect as we voice the calling of our souls in the early morning with our prayers.

February Prayers

We learn to weave the dance. We want to create.

chaghashé naakai hik’e hedow-achee esonkñhsendehí nakia: (Rainbow Serpent.) Children return home and celebrate Changing Mother Earth. All of us — pulsing life forces — transform, moving the eternal love.
