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All Is Well in This Moment

All Is Well in This Moment All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be through Elliott Eli Jackson

The moment, right now, is all you have. And right now, in this moment as you read these words, all is well. Right now, there is no bill to pay. In this moment, you are safe and secure. The moment is all you have.

Now it is the next moment, and it is all you have. And in this moment as you read these words, all is well. Right now, there is no bill to pay. In this moment you are safe and secure. Then comes the next moment and the next and then still another. However, if you look at each moment just as it is, all will be well.

Think now about all the past moments of your life. No matter how long you have been on your planet and no matter what happened or occurred, you are in this moment. Let’s say you were in a car accident last week or last month or two years ago, but right now you are in this moment and all is well.

Okay, you got divorced in 1997. Look, you are still here and in this moment. Are you not? Your mother passed away in 2014, but notice, here you are reading these words, and all is well. You had the flu in the summer of 2015, and it was the worst you ever experienced. You could not stop coughing, your nose continued to run, and you felt as if it would never end. Yet here you are reading these words, and all is well.
