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Ease February’s Balancing Act with Compassion and Peaceful Intentions

Ease February’s Balancing Act with Compassion and Peaceful Intentions Donna Taylor

February, although not a particularly dramatic month, is quite feisty with plenty of squares and inharmonious alignments. It is likely, therefore, that we might begin the month feeling a bit edgy unless we make time to get in touch with our feelings and work through them.

It all begins with a Mars-Moon square to the Sun and a Mercury-Venus-Pluto square to Uranus. This is likely to raise the emotional tempo somewhat, but it also grants us the opportunity to break free from old patterns and to find a better way to resolve conflict. So choose something in your life that needs healing — a situation, a relationship, or yourself — and ask yourself if there is another way to view the situation. Part of the healing involves being able to see things from a higher level. As Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Perhaps you need to make amends for projecting anger on to someone or something. Or if you feel stuck, you may need
to break a pattern.

Fuel Constructive Change with the New Moon

The new moon on February 8 is ideal for this kind of thinking, but be prepared for the process to be a little bumpy since Mars squares this new moon. Anger may be the fuel for change, and this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes we need to feel angry to motivate ourselves to make changes. The difference lies in using anger constructively — bringing about change, stating a case, or setting boundaries — instead of just ripping on things indiscriminately. So let the Mars energy fuel positive change.
