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Play the Starring Role in Your Own Love and Light Story

Play the Starring Role in Your Own Love and Light Story The Pleiadians through Sylvia Bucek

Everything in your living space is alive. Because you are alive, the space you occupy cannot be otherwise. Within this living space, you thrive. To the extent that you are conscious of the cosmic life force permeating all creation, you see/feel/know the love light at the core of your being and world. Being here is pure joy. It is heaven. You are here to anchor the joy on Earth.

You come into the world on the wings of love and light. Between your arrival and your exit, you witness much cruelty in the world, and you are mortified. If you stay here, you will perish, so you escape into oblivion and hide. Here you struggle to make sense of it all without truly feeling it; you are anesthetized. You come to understand that life is being tortured at the hands of humanity, and you acknowledge your part in it. You come to understand that you are free to withdraw from your part in the torture, and you endeavor to become utterly harmless. You have the means to keep your living space free from harm.

The moment you recognize that you are the means for keeping your living space free from harm, you start coming out of oblivion and you recall that you are a being of light and love. You hold the key to resolving all conflicts and finding peace within. You hold the key to life's mystery door.
