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Resolve to Be More Positive

Resolve to Be More Positive Papa Juan through Beatriz Jimpson

There are things that will be happening as a direct result of the shift that has occurred. I would like to remind you that the things we will share with you are projections of probabilities in the future. These probabilities are given to you to inspire you and help you remember the visions that many of you have had in the past, and are currently having, of future events.

Before we begin talking about your probabilities, we want to teach you a bit about your mind. Many of you have an understanding of these mental processes and have been gifted with the ability to access your intuition easily without doing any mental exercises to get there. On the other hand, there are many of you who feel juvenile in your attempts to reach your intuitive abilities and are fearful of being incorrect or feeling embarrassed. Because of the enormity of the changes that have and continue to occur, we are seeing massive openings in the minds of many of you attempting to access and accept your intuitive abilities. Many of you are talking about it and are helping and guiding others in the opening of their abilities — abilities you all have. It is becoming commonplace to hear people talk about "being present" and "current moment awareness."

Many of you have imagined, or seen in your mind's eye, architectures and communities that were distinctly different from the buildings and communities that you currently have in your cities and towns. We will discuss this topic further at a future time. That was not just your imagination, although your imagination is an important part of your creative abilities. Your imagination is also a tool that taps into your intuition in a way that is not threatening to your conscious mind and is allowed to expand and experience altered realities without feeling restrained. Your conscious mind, or rational mind, does not like for you to access your intuitive abilities — the ego likes to be in control and thinks it has all the answers — but it will ignore the imagination as it travels, since it considers it to be fantasy and nonthreatening.
