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Thriving, Coherent, Sustainable Earth

Thriving, Coherent, Sustainable Earth Divine Wisdom through Annie Botticelli

Jupiter, the planet of benevolence and expansion, makes its visit in Virgo from August 2015 through September 2016. There is also a plus-three-months influence at the end of a Jupiter transit, so the energy of Jupiter in Virgo runs straight through 2016.

The presence of Jupiter in Virgo is occurring for the first time since the end of the Maya calendar in 2012. Divine Wisdom predicts this transit calls out for conscious action of lightworkers to make 2016’s mission to get your bodies and personal affairs in order. You see yourselves and your immediate surroundings as the world. Use diligence and meticulous focus, which are the hallmarks of Virgo, to bring your individual worlds into a state of vibrancy, sustainability, and coherence that you want to see in the world.

Conscious Evolution

The veil of separation of the lower-dimensional realities led us to believe that we are separate from the world. We have played out our belief in this separation together with its counterpart, judgment, to further polarize the Earth experience. At early stages in conscious evolution, lightworkers awaken to a world that seems to need saving, and they often take on this mission to their own detriment. This energy of sacrifice is linked to the lower-dimensional reality experiences of shame, blame, and guilt, also called original sin.
