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The Lost Wisdom of God

The Lost Wisdom of God Virginia Ellen

Scientists, scholars, historians, and theologians have been looking for the lost wisdom of God. They have been looking in ancient ruins and temples, in the pyramids, and in the lost gospels. The last place anyone has ever looked is within the human self. Here in the human body is where all of the ancient wisdom is stored for humanity so that we can have this wisdom forever — never to be lost.

This ancient wisdom is hidden in chambers right above the chakras. These holy chambers are known as sacred seals that seal away this information until we are ready to uncover what is within us. These sacred seals must be activated before you can enter the hidden chambers of God. As these chambers are unveiled, the ancient wisdom of God that has been lost for eons is revealed to us in a way we can understand and implement into daily living. Then this loving energy and wisdom is available to be expressed through us and to be lived by us. This is one of the steps in becoming God-human, creating heaven and earth within ourselves and within the world.

Somehow these ancient teachings of Jesus were nowhere to be found. As Christianity came into form, these mystical teachings were lost and never passed on. The great blessing is that these ancient teachings give you a way to regain the lost power that is your birthright. This power lies within you, dormant, waiting to be birthed into life. You have the power within to become peace and to emanate this pure, harmonious energy, creating tidal waves of peace. These waves of peace will penetrate the hearts and souls of humanity, enveloping them in the peace of God. As you become peace, so shall the world be at peace.
