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The Tools of the Future: Education, Kindness, Forgiveness, and Empathy

The Tools of the Future: Education, Kindness, Forgiveness, and Empathy The group through Steve Rother

Greetings from Home, and bravo! This day we will pull back our focus to give you a larger perspective of the beautiful game you are playing. But before we do that, let us congratulate each of you. Without you holding the energy of Home at the critical times in your lives, planet Earth would not be in the rapid evolution spiral that it is currently experiencing.

You did it, dear ones! You have just participated in the only synchronized ascension between dimensions — ever. Well done! Now you are stretching out in a new environment, becoming accustomed to the way things work here. It will take some time to adjust and acclimate to the higher possibilities of where you now live, but make no mistake: All of humanity has now stepped up.

The physical bodies of Earth are now in a rapid state of evolution. The medical sciences of Earth have not been around long enough to witness the evolutionary bursts within the human body. That is about to change, as over the next 200 years the physical bodies of humans on Earth will shift to make use of the new dimensions of your existence. You will be able to hold and carry more of your own light, and the process has already begun, so hang on!
