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Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

Mary Ann Antenucci is a life coach, internationally acclaimed intuitive, certified spiritual counselor, hypnotherapist, and columnist. Through her many years of experience with various healing modalities, flower essences, and martial arts, she can quickly and effectively intuit patterns of imbalance and uncover core issues. Her gift is to assist you in clarity, insight, personal healing, and positive growth.

By this Author

Essences of Nature - August 2024
Essences of Nature - July 2024
Essences of Nature - June 2024
Essences of Nature - May 2024
Essences of Nature - April 2024
Essences of Nature - March 2024
Essences of Nature - February 2024
Essences of Nature - January 2024
Essences of Nature - November 2023
Essences of Nature - October 2023
Essences of Nature - September 2023
Essences of Nature - August 2023
Essences of Nature - July 2023
Essences of Nature - June 2023
Essences of Nature - May 2023
Essences of Nature - April 2023
Essences of Nature - March 2023
Essences of Nature - February 2023
Essences of Nature - January 2023
Essences of Nature - November 2022

