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Your Task as a Way-Shower

Your Task as a Way-Shower The Divine through Sara Wiseman

The Aquarian Age starts with bumps and jolts. A new time is coming when so much of the pain and misunderstanding of the decades, nay the centuries, will dissolve. This is what you are moving toward as a soul collective, and you, dear soul, are at the forefront. You are the pioneer, the visionary, the way-shower, the lightbringer. Do not be disheartened if the promised land has not yet revealed itself; it is just not here yet.

As a soul pioneer, you agreed to be here during this momentous time. With your current wisdom gained from so many decades on this planet, do you see how you have arrived at the perfect conjunction of time and awareness to support this monumental shift in consciousness? You have been through so much, and now you are witnessing the change of the start-andstop journey of awakening and suffering. Pay attention, because the task you came here for — your soul mission, your soul contribution — has just begun.
