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The Crystal Garden: Taking a Small Action Is Better Than Doing Nothing

The Crystal Garden: Taking a Small Action Is Better Than Doing Nothing Margaret Ann Lembo

Is it time to transform a challenging situation? Do you need to shed layers of emotions and disappointment? It’s time to finalize the release of that which is old and worn. Let go of the past, and open your heart and mind to start anew. New opportunities and beginnings await you. Be open, and embrace them.

Transformation provides the opportunity for change, and change offers the opportunity to transform your current reality. Peel away anything that is worn out in your life. Examine all the situations, whether created by you or by others, to determine whether it is time for you to slough off pesky people or belief systems.

Opportunities often come with an expiration date, so timing your response accordingly is essential; hesitation is not recommended. Now is the time for you to allow the realization to surface and act accordingly. Awaken and accept the transformation in your life.
