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The Power and Responsibility of Choice

The Power and Responsibility of Choice Omnidimensional Beings through Kathy Wilson

It is the pattern of humans to expand all that they come in to contact with. The only non-expandable things on your planet and in your dimension are air, water, and the planet itself. These three items are not within the realm of control of humans for very good reasons. In the past, humanity has not shown much foresight when creating in regard to how their creation might be utilized by others. Imagine if there was a way to create more water, air, or earth. Now imagine how that knowledge might be used by others. Initially it may be utilized for the benefit of all, but at some point, the ability to be of greater benefit to just a few will be discovered.

The knowledge and use of antibiotics is an example of the misuse of creation. Antibiotics were once heralded as a great boon to humans. They were seen as a lifesaver, as they were and often still are. At some point, a few people found it advantageous to use antibiotics in food animals and on edible plants. Now the widespread use of antibiotics has become a health hazard rather than a health benefit.

Therefore, we will communicate to you our message of restraint. It is of the utmost importance that you — each of you — begin to use the power that you chose to accept during the Harmonic Convergence. It was then that you decided it was timely for you to become sovereign and have your own power of choice. Once again, humanity gave little or no foresight to this decision. The golden apple of personal choice was too tempting to leave on the table, so to speak.
