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The Secret Wisdom of Animals: Animal Communicators of the World Unite!

The Secret Wisdom of Animals: Animal Communicators of the World Unite! Your Ever-Loving Pets through Kim Malonie

Please note: When the word “animal” is used, it is meant to cover the entire animal kingdom — in the water, on the land, and in the air. The animals have asked for assistance from all animal communicators worldwide, and their request is being fulfilled. More so than ever before, animal communicators are entering the world to assist their brothers and sisters, giving them voices to be heard and making their wishes known throughout the world.

If you hear animals say something, see pictures they might show you, or receive thoughts from them, don’t try to apply logic. Accept that you know this is coming from the animals. You have been chosen as an instrument to relay messages that all humanity needs to pay attention to.

Being an animal communicator is extremely satisfying and heartwarming because you know you’ve made their lives easier by doing the best you could for them. Giving a voice to animals helps demonstrate that they are sentient beings who deserve to be treated with respect, dignity, kindness, and compassion, just as humans. The animals thank you for helping them.
