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Traditional Insights into Yoga: Matsyasana — Fish Pose

Traditional Insights into Yoga: Matsyasana — Fish Pose Mally Paquette

This classic Hatha yoga pose invites your physical body to take on the form and energy of a fish. Through this experience, you can connect to ancient primordial energy that resembles a mermaid or a merman — a human torso with a fish tail. The pose opens the heart chakra (anahata) and throat chakra (vishuddhi). In this beautiful posture, you surrender to the light and receive higher knowledge from above. The true human journey is one of love, forgiveness, and compassion.

In the full expression of the pose, the legs are crossed into lotus, representing a fish tail. In the supported fish, the legs can be in goddess pose or extended straight out. Please note that as you arch your back, you lift your heart. Focus on extending through the lower back. You can use a rolled blanket as additional support for your lumbar spine. We are all built differently, so your neck might also benefit from support.

This pose is meant to be done in a state of relaxed surrender. Matsyasana prepares you for other backbends and realigns the pelvis and sacrum, preventing back pain. The pose is very beneficial to open the heart and release grief. The posture assists with energy levels throughout the day. It is an excellent posture for the end-of-day stress.
